Bad Teacher Tales: Real talk stories and advice for teachers and those who love them.
Welcome to Bad Teacher Tales, where each week we share the good, the bad, and the “what the hell?!” of daily teacher life. We’ll expose workplace woes that range from unrealistic to impossibly asinine. We’ll postulate on parental problems and admin antics. We might even learn a helpful tip or trick, and while we may be “Bad” teachers, we will always leave remembering our Why…those beautiful, bright, baffling, students!
45 episodes
Best Of Season 1: "Things Aren't Always What They Appear"
What do you do when the tapping Just. Won't. Stop.IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own story to be featured use this link: BTT SubmissionsEmail us: badteach...
Best Of Season 1: "Wooooah"
What happens when a parent thinks their child can do no wrong?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own story to be featured use this link: BTT SubmissionsEmail us:<...
Best Of Season 1: "Will You Smell My Hand"
What do you do when a student brings a baggie full of change for a class party but an unwanted bonus is included?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own story to be featured use this link:
Best Of Season 1: "Can He Hold a Banner"
What do you do when you're asked to prepare a performance for the school board in four days, then asked to include a special guest on the day of performance?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own story to be featured use this...
S.3 - Ep. 8: Goodbye? and Kids Say the Darndest Things
Goodbye? This might be our final regular episode. We want to thank all our supporters for three fun seasons!Stories include:WWDT: Sometimes, what we do saves lives.Elementary Art: 1. "Fighting Over N...
S3 - BONUS - Student Episode #1/3
What do you do when your favorite teacher assigns a research assignment? Make a podcast about it! This is the first of three student written, recorded and edited episodes based on a research assignment. Hope you...
BONUS: Interview w/a School Board Trustee - PART 2
What do you do when you're a school board trustee?Join me, Scara, and School Board Trustee Rick Garcia for all things board member!HUGE thank you to Rick for taking to time to do this interview.Highlights...
BONUS: Interview w/a School Board Trustee - PART 1
What do you do when you're a school board trustee?Join me, Scara, and School Board Trustee Rick Garcia for all things board member!HUGE thank you to Rick for taking to time to do this interview.Highlights...
S.3 - Ep. 7 OR Ep. 6, Part 2: The Never-Ending Evolution of the Teacher Work-Day
What do you do when you're a teacher and the technology changes?Highlights include:What "raw dogging" means to the current generation. It's not what you think.Reference to the beloved "Oregan Trail"....
S.3 - Ep. 6, Part 1: The Never-Ending Evolution of the Teacher Work-Day
What do you do when you're a teacher and the technology changes?Highlights include:What "raw dogging" means to the current generation. It's not what you think.Reference to the beloved "Oregan Trail"....
S.3 - Ep. 5: Will Work For Pickles
What do you do when a student is not motivated by anything except...pickles?We begin with a story from a teacher in Spring, TX. She shares with us how she solved the age-old teacher problem of motivating THAT st...
S.3 - Ep. 4: Non-Disclosure Agreement
What would you do if you were asked to sign a NDA for your own sexual assault? In this episode, we hear from three educators starting with a high school librarian from East Texas. She shares a time she was asked...
S.3. Ep.3 - Where the Condoms At
What would you do if you passed young students discussing condoms?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own main story, “Why We Do This,” “Things That Work,” "Educator Gifts," or "Educator Shout Out!" complete this form:
S.3. Ep.2 - The Time My Principal Made Me Cry
What do you do when the principal calls you into the office for a meeting, but you're a teacher not a student. IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own main story, “Why We Do This,” “Things That Work,” "Educator Gifts," or "Ed...
S.3 - Ep. 1: A Lesson in Respect
What do you do when a student mocks your lesson, undermining its value and your authority? Find out what this teach did to move forward after experiencing something every educator faces more than you would like to know!IT'S ...
S.2 - Ep. 12: In the Wild
What do you do when you see a former student "in the wild" at your side gig?This episode also includes educator shout-outs! Special thanks to the teachers and admin who made a difference in our lives:Ted Levy (Levy m...
S.2 - Ep. 11: "Dumber than a Box of Rocks"
What do you do when you know students need more support than they are receiving but no one is listening to you?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own main story, “Why We Do This,” “Things That Work,” or "Educator Gifts" comp...
Patreon: S.2 Ep.10 UNEDITED - SNEEK PEAK
Here is a taste of what we have going on over in Patreon! To listen now, join me and Sly for $5 a month. This contribution not only helps offset our costs but gives you immediate access to our previous Patreon episodes.In this unedited ...
S.2 - Ep. 10: Mini Stories!
Mini-Stories! Enjoy these five short stories! IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own main story, “Why We Do This,” “Things That Work,” or "Educator Gifts" complete this form: B...
Patreon: S.1 Ep.13 UNEDITED - SNEEK PEAK
Here is a taste of what we have going on over in Patreon! To listen now, join me and Sly for $5 a month. This contribution not only helps offset our costs, but gives you immediate access to our previous Patreon episodes. Thanks for...
S.2 - Ep. 9: Folks Aren’t Always What They Seem
What do you do when you learn the real reason a girl’s family didn’t show up for her performance?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own main story, “Why We Do This,” “Things That Work,” or "Edu...
Patreon Exclusive - Intro
What do you do when you’re a parent and something feels “off” about a situation with a teacher?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own main story, “Why We Do This,” “Things That Work,” or "Educator Gifts" complete this ...
S.2 - Ep. 8: How Did I Know
What do you do when your teacher “spidey-sense” goes off?IT'S YOUR TURN! To submit your own main story, “Why We Do This,” “Things That Work,” or "Educator Gifts" complete this form: