Scara Kay
Scara is a life-long learner and educator. Recently becoming a National Board Certified Teacher, Scara serves as the Fine Arts Department Head, Head Theatre Director, Dance Team and Pep Squad Coach for her middle school. At the district level, Scara is a new teacher mentor, has written theatre curriculum, and facilitates the annual Tech Design Contest. Having begun in theatre at a young age, Scara’s naive 17-year-old self believed a college degree in theatre would not be beneficial (she was wrong) and elected for an even more useless degree: English Literature. Having no prospects upon graduation, Scara completed a teaching program and found her calling.
While Scara loves her borrowed kids (students), they come second to her home life with her wonderful husband, daughter, and son.
When needing a mental break, you can find Scara in her craft room, reading Harry Potter for the thirty-billionth time, or playing with her four dogs, two cats, and snake.